Jun 20Liked by Tyler Simeone

I appreciate the writer's urge to document everything that will otherwise be lost to time—perhaps a useless pursuit in the long run, but so fulfilling in the moment. I want to remember EVERYTHING, every person I see, every conversation I have.

Love the shorter piece at the end. I don't like our culture of manufactured indifference. Try hard, try harder, care and love even harder still. :)

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Trying so hard!! Not sure it will ever be enough, but I take pride in caring

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Oh, and I forgot: one thing I love about your desire to document is that I feel it's in a lovely direct contrast with the actual over-documentation of things at the personal level (i.e. on phones). Things feel meaningless when people take photos meaninglessly. That's why it's all the more special to take film photos (limited quantity, slower pace) or to write about everything you see (slower pace and manual labor). Experiences are not a commodity; they're meant to be captured with intention, no matter how mundane. And perspective is so important, too. That's why we can all write about the same experiences and learn something different from everyone.

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